UI Builder - Classes
inherits ContentControl
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
text | string | The label text for the checkbox |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
format | string | Specifies the format in which the time should be displayed in the clock. |
canSetDirection | boolean | Indicates whether the clock should have a direction field. |
canStop | boolean | Indicates whether the clock should have a stop time field. |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
showText | boolean | Indicates whether to show the text input for the color value |
resetValue | string | The reset value for the color picker (Optional) |
placement | string | The position of the color picker |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
children [read-only] | Control[] |
Function | Returns | Description |
add(...controls: Control[] ) |
this | Add control(s) to content |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
text | string |
Base class for all control types
Property | Type | Description |
name [read-only] | string | The name of the control. |
elementType [read-only] | ElementType | The element type |
disabled | boolean | Determines whether the control is disabled or not. |
left | number | The left position of the control in pixels. |
top | number | The top position of the control in pixels. |
width | number | The width of the control in pixels. |
height | number | The height of the control in pixels. |
minWidth | number | The minimum width of the control in pixels. Optional. |
minHeight | number | The minimum height of the control in pixels. Optional. |
maxWidth | number | The maximum width of the control in pixels. Optional. |
maxHeight | number | The maximum height of the control in pixels. Optional. |
anchors | Anchor[] | The UI anchors of the control. |
visible | boolean | !!! note |
shorthand for style.visibility, setting true / false will affect style.visibility to visible / collapse | ||
returns true only if the control and all of it's parents are visibile |
fieldId|string|The control field id style|Properties|The styles of the control as CSS properties.
Function | Returns | Description |
setPointerCapture(pointerId: number ) |
void | Method to set pointer capture, given a specific pointer ID. |
releasePointerCapture(pointerId: number ) |
void | Method to release a captured pointer, given a specific pointer ID. |
emit(event: string , args: Record<string, any> ) |
this | emit an event |
Property | Type | Description |
click | event | Event handler for the 'click' event. |
doubleClick | event | Event handler for the 'doubleClick' event. |
mouseDown | event | Event handler for the 'mouseDown' event. |
mouseMove | event | Event handler for the 'mouseMove' event. |
mouseUp | event | Event handler for the 'mouseUp' event. |
wheel | event | Event handler for the 'wheel' event. |
pointerDown | event | Event handler for the 'pointerDown' event. |
pointerMove | event | Event handler for the 'pointerMove' event. |
pointerUp | event | Event handler for the 'pointerUp' event. |
Function | Returns | Description |
on(event: string , listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) |
this | Method to add a listener for a specified event. 'event' parameter is the name of the event and 'listener' is the callback function to be invoked when the event is emitted. |
off(event: string , listener: (...args: any[]) => void ) |
this | Method to remove a listener for a specified event. 'event' parameter is the name of the event and 'listener' is the callback function to be removed. |
removeAllListeners(event: string ) |
this | Method to remove all listeners for a specified event. 'event' parameter is the name of the event. |
Function | Returns | Description |
query(source: string , query: string , args: Record<string, any> ) |
Promise | Executes a query on a data source with the specified parameters |
feed(path: string ) |
Promise | Executes a feed query |
inherits InputControl
When mode is not set to TIME, value is the milliseconds since 1970, in UTC e.g. 0 => 1/1/1970 00:00:00 UTC. To get date use new Date(value).toISOString() => 2020-06-01T10:30:00.000Z
Property | Type | Description |
mode | DateTimePickerMode | Determines the mode of the DateTimePicker. For example, it could allow for picking dates, times, or both. |
format | string | Specifies the format in which the date/time should be displayed in the DateTimePicker. |
hint | string | A hint that is displayed to the user in the DateTimePicker when it is empty. This could be a placeholder text guiding the user on the expected input format. |
resetValue | number | The resetValue is the value that the DateTimePicker will revert to when a reset action is performed. It is represented as a numeric value (for instance, a timestamp). |
Function | Returns | Description |
toString(format: string ) |
void | Function displays date, parsing format as string |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
value | number | The current value of the input control |
resetValue | number | The value that will be set when a reset action is performed. |
precision | number | Specifies the precision of the dial, i.e., the number of decimal places the dial value should have. |
min | number | The minimum value allowed |
max | number | The maximum value allowed |
step | number | The increment/decrement step |
Property | Type | Description |
change | event |
inherits ItemsControl
Property | Type | Description |
showSearch | boolean | Allows users to filter the options. |
allowClear | boolean | Allows users tp clear selected value |
loading | boolean | Show an indication that data is being loaded |
Function | Returns | Description |
read(filename: string , encoding: string ) |
Promise | Method to read the content of a file. 'filename' parameter specifies the file to read and 'encoding' parameter defines the character encoding of the file. Returns a promise that resolves to the content of the file. |
write(filename: string , data: any , encoding: string ) |
Promise | Method to write data to a file. 'filename' parameter specifies the file to write to, 'data' parameter is the content to write, and 'encoding' parameter defines the character encoding of the file. Returns a promise that resolves when the writing process is complete. |
list(directory: string ) |
Promise | Method to list all files in a directory. 'directory' parameter specifies the directory to list files from. Returns a promise that resolves to an array of filenames in the directory. |
Function | Returns | Description |
exists(key: string ) |
Promise | Checks if key exsits |
get(key: string ) |
Promise | Gets a GlobalVariable value |
set(key: string , value: any ) |
Promise | Sets a GlobalVariable value, null will remove the key |
remove(key: string ) |
Promise | Deletes a GlobalVariable |
keys() | Promise | Gets a list of all keys |
subscribe(key: string ) |
this | Subscribe for key notifications, not specifing a key will register to all keys changes |
unsubscribe(key: string ) |
this | Unsubscribe for key notifications, not specifing a key will unregister from all key changes |
on(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Listen to a specific key for all type of event (Created / Updated / Removed). |
once(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Adds a one-time listener function for the key value change. The next time key is triggered, this listener is invoked and then removed. |
off(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Removes a specific key callback, not specifing a callback will remove all callbacks to this key. |
Function | Returns | Description |
success(text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Shows a success message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
success(message: IAlertMessage , text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Update a message to a success message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
warning(text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Shows a warning message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
warning(message: IAlertMessage , text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Update a message to a warning message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
error(text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Shows an error message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
error(message: IAlertMessage , text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Update a message to an error message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
info(text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Shows a info message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
info(message: IAlertMessage , text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Update a message to an info message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
loading(text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Shows a loading message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
loading(message: IAlertMessage , text: string , duration: number ) |
IAlertMessage | Update a message to a loading message, duration (in seconds) will keep message shown |
destroy(message: IAlertMessage ) |
void | Destroy a specific message or all shown messages |
inherits IDeltaChangeEvent
Property | Type | Description |
angle | number |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
value | TValue | The new value associated with the change event |
Property | Type | Description |
mode | ClockMode | The mode value of the clock |
start | number | The start value of the clock |
stop | number | The stop value of the clock |
direction | ClockDirection | The direction value of the clock |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
icon | IconName | Specifies the name of the icon to be displayed. This should correspond to a name in an icon set. |
spin | boolean | Determines whether the icon should spin. A true value results in continuous 360-degree rotation. |
flip | horizontal|vertical|both | Controls the direction of the icon flip. It can be 'horizontal', 'vertical', or 'both'. |
rotation | 90 | 180 | 270 | Sets the degree of rotation for the icon. Valid values are 90, 180, or 270. |
Property | Type | Description |
engine | (engine: string) => IEngineApi | Method to set or retrieve the current engine context. Takes an engine name as parameter. |
engines | IEngineDataApi[] | A list of APIs for all available engines. |
page | IPageApi | Provides the API for the current page context. |
playlist | IPlaylistApi | Provides the API for managing playlists. |
profile | IProfileApi & ((profile?: string) => IProfileTargetApi) & ((profile: string, channel: string) => IProfileChannelTargetApi) | Provides the API for managing profiles. It also contains two methods: one for targeting a specific profile and another for targeting a specific channel in a specific profile. |
profiles | IProfileDataApi[] | A list of APIs for all available profiles. |
templates | ITemplateApi | An api to interact with the templates of the show |
log | ILogApi | API to add to the log |
gpio | IGpio | GPIO API |
inherits IChangeEvent
Property | Type | Description |
delta | TValue |
Function | Returns | Description |
sendCommand(command: object | string ) |
void | Method to send a command to the engine. The command parameter can either be an object or a string, depending on the engine's API. |
clear(layer: string ) |
void | Method to clear a specific layer in the engine. If no layer is specified, it defaults to clearing all layers. |
cleanup() | void | Method to cleanup the engine, usually used to remove unused assets or data. |
cache(asset: string , verify: boolean ) |
void | Overloaded method to cache an asset in the engine for faster access. The asset parameter is a string representing a single asset. |
cache(assets: string[] , verify: boolean ) |
void | Overloaded method to cache multiple assets in the engine for faster access. The assets parameter is an array of strings, where each string represents an asset. |
inherits IEngineApi
Property | Type | Description |
_id | string | Unique identifier for the engine. |
system | string | System name the engine belongs to. |
name | string | Name of the engine. |
address | string | Network address where the engine can be accessed. |
port | number | Network port where the engine can be accessed. Optional. |
type | 'OUTPUT' | 'SNAPSHOT' | Indicates the type of the engine. It can be either 'OUTPUT' or 'SNAPSHOT'. |
agent | boolean | Flag indicating if the engine is an agent. Optional. |
connected | boolean | Flag indicating if the engine is currently connected. Optional. |
Property | Type | Description |
event | string | The name or type of the event |
sender | TControl | The control that triggered the event |
Function | Returns | Description |
stopPropagation() | void | Stops the propagation of the event |
Function | Returns | Description |
onResize(e: IResizeEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the resize event |
onRead(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the read event of a page |
onPageChange(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler to payload change (with a 300ms debounce) |
onPageChangeRaw(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler to payload change |
onTakeIn(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the take in event of a playlist item |
onTakeOut(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the take out event of a playlist item |
onContinue(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the continue event of a playlist item |
onTrigger(e: IPageActionEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the continue event of a playlist item |
onPreviewIn(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the preview in event of a playlist item |
onPreviewOut(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the preview out event of a playlist item |
onPreviewContinue(e: IPageEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the preview continue event of a playlist item |
onPreviewTrigger(e: IPageActionEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the preview trigger action event of a playlist item |
onShortcut(e: IShortcutEvent ) |
void | Event handler for the shortcut event, this will be triggered when a user uses a keyboard shortcut |
onGlobalVariableCreated(e: IGlobalVariableEvent ) |
void | Event handler when a global variable is created |
onGlobalVariableUpdated(e: IGlobalVariableEvent ) |
void | Event handler when a global variable is updated |
onGlobalVariableRemoved(e: IGlobalVariableEvent ) |
void | Event handler when a global variable is removed |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | The key of the global variable event |
value | any | The value of the global variable event (optional) |
Function | Returns | Description |
simulate(device: string | number , input: number ) |
Promise | Simulate a gpio trigger |
write(device: string | number , input: number , value: boolean ) |
Promise |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
altKey | boolean | Indicates whether the 'Alt' key was pressed during the input event |
ctrlKey | boolean | Indicates whether the 'Ctrl' key was pressed during the input event |
metaKey | boolean | Indicates whether the 'Meta' key (Command key on Mac) was pressed during the input event |
shiftKey | boolean | Indicates whether the 'Shift' key was pressed during the input event |
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | |
description | string | |
number | false | |
value | string | |
placeholder | string |
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
altKey | boolean | |
ctrlKey | boolean | |
metaKey | boolean | |
shiftKey | boolean |
inherits IInputEvent
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | The key value associated with the keyboard event |
code | string | The physical key code associated with the keyboard event |
repeat | boolean | Indicates whether the key is being held down in a repeating manner |
Function | Returns | Description |
error(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
warn(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
info(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
trace(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
debug(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
verbose(message: string , meta: any ) |
void | |
detailed(message: string , meta: any ) |
void |
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the media asset |
type | FILE|FOLDER | The type of the media asset (file or folder) |
mediaType | MediaType | The media type of the asset |
size | number | The size of the asset in bytes |
tags | string[] | The tags associated with the asset |
meta | IMediaMetaDataRule[] | The meta associated with the asset |
contentType | string | Mime type, e.g. image/png, video/mp4, ... |
width | number | The width of the asset (for images) |
height | number | The height of the asset (for images) |
hasAlpha | boolean | Has alpha channel (Image Only) |
duration | number | Duration in seconds (Audio / Video) |
fps | number | Frame per second (Video only) |
frames | number | Number of frames (Sequence Only) |
videoCodec | string | The video codec used by the asset |
videoFormat | string | The video format of the asset |
audioChannels | number | The number of audio channels (for audio) |
audioCodec | string | The audio codec used by the asset |
Property | Type | Description |
value | string | |
type | MediaType | The type of media being browsed |
root | string | Limit user selection to only assets in a specific MediaHub folder |
tags | string[] | Limit user selection to only assets with a spcific MediaHub tags |
meta | IMediaMetaDataRule[] | Limit user selection to only assets with a spcific MediaHub meta |
extensions | string[] | Limit user selection to only asseet with a specific file extension |
Property | Type | Description |
tags | string[] | The tags to filter the search results by |
types | MediaType[] | The media types to filter the search results by |
limit | number | The maximum number of search results to return |
Property | Type | Description |
field | string | The field of metadata to show filtered assets |
operator | string | The operator of metadata to show filtered assets |
value | string | number | The value of metadata to show filtered assets |
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | |
type | MessageBoxActionType |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
origin | string | The origin of the message event |
data | any | The data associated with the message event |
inherits IInputEvent
Property | Type | Description |
button | number | The button that was pressed during the mouse event (0: left, 1: middle, 2: right) |
buttons | number | The buttons currently pressed during the mouse event (bitwise combination) |
clientX | number | The horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the client area of the browser window |
clientY | number | The vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the client area of the browser window |
movementX | number | The horizontal distance moved by the mouse pointer since the last mouse event |
movementY | number | The vertical distance moved by the mouse pointer since the last mouse event |
pageX | number | The horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document |
pageY | number | The vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the whole document |
screenX | number | The horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the screen |
screenY | number | The vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer relative to the screen |
relativeX | number | The horizontal distance between the mouse pointer and the control's origin |
relativeY | number | The vertical distance between the mouse pointer and the control's origin |
relativeXNormalized | number | The normalized horizontal distance between the mouse pointer and the control's origin |
relativeYNormalized | number | The normalized vertical distance between the mouse pointer and the control's origin |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
value | TValue | The current value of the input control |
resetValue | TValue | The initial/reset value of the input control |
Function | Returns | Description |
focus() | void | Sets the input control as the focused element |
blur() | void | Removes focus from the input control |
Property | Type | Description |
change | event | Event handler for the change event |
focus | event | Event handler for the focus event |
blur | event | Event handler for the blur event |
keyDown | event | Event handler for the keyDown event |
keyPress | event | Event handler for the keyPress event |
keyUp | event | Event handler for the keyUp event |
copy | event | Event handler for the copy event |
cut | event | Event handler for the cut event |
paste | event | Event handler for the paste event |
Function | Returns | Description |
show(options: IInputModalOptions ) |
Promise | The InputModal.input function is designed to display a modal dialog that prompts the user for input. |
show(options: INumberInputModalOptions ) |
Promise | The InputModal.input function is designed to display a modal dialog that prompts the user for input. |
Property | Type | Description |
title | string | |
description | string | |
number | true | |
value | number | |
placeholder | string |
inherits IPageEvent
Property | Type | Description |
action | string | The action |
Property | Type | Description |
payload [read-only] | any | |
storage [read-only] | IPageStorageApi | |
name | string | The name of the page |
description | string | The description of the page |
num | string | the page id (digits) of the page |
Function | Returns | Description |
save(pageNum: string , name: string , overwrite: boolean ) |
void | Saves the current page with an optional page number and name |
saveAs(pageNum: string , name: string , overwrite: boolean ) |
void | Saves the current page as a new page with an optional page number and name |
getFieldValue(field: string ) |
any | Retrieves the value of a specific field on the page |
setFieldValue(field: string , value: any ) |
void | Sets the value of a specific field on the page |
setFieldsValue(value: Record<string, any> ) |
void | Sets multiple field values on the page using a key-value mapping |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
payload | any | The page payload |
Property | Type | Description |
value | Record | get current page storage object, set will overwrite all data |
Function | Returns | Description |
get(key: string ) |
any | Retrieves the Key from the storage |
set(key: string , value: any ) |
IPageStorageApi | Sets the Key and store it to the page |
set(object: Record<string, any> ) |
IPageStorageApi | Sets the Key and store it to the page. if the key exist, it will add the new keys and not overwrite the whole object |
remove(key: string ) |
IPageStorageApi | Removes a key from the Storage |
clear() | IPageStorageApi | Clear all storage objects from the page |
keys() | string[] | Get all available keys in page storage |
Function | Returns | Description |
readPage(page: string | number ) |
void | |
readPrev() | void | |
readNext() | void |
inherits IMouseEvent
Property | Type | Description |
pointerId | number | The ID of the pointer associated with the event |
pressure | number | The pressure applied to the input device (e.g., pen pressure) |
pointerType | mouse|pen|touch | The type of pointer (mouse, pen, or touch) |
isPrimary | boolean | Indicates whether the pointer is the primary pointer |
inherits IProfileTargetApi
Property | Type | Description |
preview [read-only] | IProfileChannelTargetApi | The target API for the preview channel (read-only) |
program [read-only] | IProfileChannelTargetApi | The target API for the program channel (read-only) |
inherits IProfileChannelTargetApi
Property | Type | Description |
name | string | |
type | ChannelType | |
engines | IEngineDataApi[] |
inherits IProfileTargetApi
Function | Returns | Description |
updateChannel(type: string , name: string ) |
void | Updates the channel with the specified type and name |
setChannelType(type: string ) |
void | Sets the channel type to the specified value |
setChannelName(name: string ) |
void | Sets the channel name to the specified value |
setAsProgram() | void | Sets the channel as the program channel |
setAsPreview() | void | Sets the channel as the preview channel |
setAsRegularChannel() | void | Sets the channel as a regular channel |
inherits IProfileApi
Property | Type | Description |
_id | string | |
name | string | |
channels | IProfileChannelDataApi[] |
Function | Returns | Description |
channel(channel: string ) |
IProfileChannelTargetApi | Retrieves the target API for a specific channel |
takeIn(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'take in' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
takeIn(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'take in' action on the target channel with a payload object |
takeOut(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'take out' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
takeOut(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'take out' action on the target channel with a payload object |
update(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs an 'update' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
update(payload: object ) |
void | Performs an 'update' action on the target channel with a payload object |
continue(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'continue' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
continue(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'continue' action on the target channel with a payload object |
trigger(action: string , pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Triggers a specific action on the target channel with an optional page number |
trigger(action: string , payload: object ) |
void | Triggers a specific action on the target channel with a payload object |
previewIn(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'preview in' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
previewIn(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'preview in' action on the target channel with a payload object |
previewOut(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'preview out' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
previewOut(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'preview out' action on the target channel with a payload object |
previewUpdate(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'preview update' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
previewUpdate(payload: object ) |
void | |
previewContinue(pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Performs a 'preview update' action on the target channel with a payload object |
previewContinue(payload: object ) |
void | Performs a 'preview continue' action on the target channel with an optional page number |
previewTrigger(action: string , pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Triggers a specific action in preview mode on the target channel with an optional page number |
previewTrigger(action: string , payload: object ) |
void | Triggers a specific action in preview mode on the target channel with a payload object |
setState(state: 'in' | 'out' , pageNum: string | number ) |
void | Set currently selected or a specific page as in/out |
setState(state: 'in' | 'out' , payload: object ) |
void | Sets payload as in/out |
sendCommand(system: 'VIZRT' | 'CASPAR_CG' , command: string ) |
void | Sends a Viz Engine command to a channel |
sendCommand(system: 'VIZRT' | 'CASPAR_CG' , commands: string[] ) |
void | Sends a Viz Engine commands to a channel |
sendCommand(system: 'UE' | 'PIXOTOPE' , command: { action: 'SET', payload: object, cache?: boolean } ) |
void | Sends an Unreal Engine data payload to a channel |
sendCommand(system: 'UE' | 'PIXOTOPE' , command: { action: 'LAUNCH', project: string, level: string, preview?: boolean, verifyCache?: boolean } ) |
void | Sends a command to launch Unreal Engine to a channel |
sendCommand(system: 'SINGULAR' , command: { method: 'get'|'post'|'put'|'delete', url: string, body?: any } ) |
void | Sends a Singular.Live api command |
sendCommand(system: 'OSC' , command: { parameter: string, value: boolean|number|string } ) |
void | Sends an OSC command a channel to set a parameter value |
sendCommand(system: 'OSC' , command: { parameter: string, values: (boolean|number|string)[] } ) |
void | Sends a OSC command a channel to set a parameter values |
clear(layer: string ) |
void | Clears the content of a specific layer |
cleanup() | void | Performs a cleanup operation |
cache(asset: string , verify: boolean ) |
void | Caches a specific asset with an optional verification flag |
cache(assets: string[] , verify: boolean ) |
void | Caches multiple assets with an optional verification flag |
inherits IEvent
Property | Type | Description |
width | number | The width of the resize event |
height | number | The height of the resize event |
inherits IKeyboardEvent
Property | Type | Description |
shortcut | string | The shortcut key combination associated with the shortcut event |
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | |
value | string |
Function | Returns | Description |
load(system: string , path: string , layer: string ) |
void | Creates a page in memory from template |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
items [read-only] | readonly ItemsControlItem | The array of items in the control (read-only) |
selectedIndex | ItemType | The value of the currently selected item |
Function | Returns | Description |
clear() | void | Clears the items in the control |
addItem(value: ItemType , title: string ) |
number | Adds an item to the control with the specified value and title, returns the index of the added item |
removeItem(value: ItemType ) |
void | Removes the item with the specified value from the control |
removeItemAt(index: number ) |
void | Removes the item at the specified index from the control |
updateItem(index: number , value: ItemType , title: string ) |
void | Updates the item at the specified index with the specified value and title |
Property | Type | Description |
value | ItemType | The value associated with the item |
title | string | The title or label of the item (optional) |
Property | Type | Description |
x | number | The x-coordinate of the vertex |
y | number | The y-coordinate of the vertex |
z | number | The z-coordinate of the vertex. Optional |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
value | IVertex | Current value |
min | IVertex | Minimum allowed value |
max | IVertex | Maximum allowed value |
step | number | The increment/decrement step |
horizontal | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | null | Defines which axis the horizontal movement of the joystick will control |
vertical | 'x' | 'y' | 'z' | null | Defines which axis the vertical movement of the joystick will control |
Property | Type | Description |
change | event |
Function | Returns | Description |
on(key: string | IKeboardShortcutDefinition , listener: function ) |
this | Listen to a specific keyboard shortcut. |
once(key: string | IKeboardShortcutDefinition , listener: function ) |
this | Adds a one-time listener function for a keyboard shortcut. The next time key is triggered, this listener is invoked and then removed. |
off(key: string | IKeboardShortcutDefinition , listener: function ) |
this | Removes a keyboard shortcut callback, not specifing a callback will remove all callbacks to this shortcut. |
inherits Dial
inherits ContentControl
inherits ItemsControl
Property | Type | Description |
allowReorder | boolean | Indicates whether items in the list can be reordered |
loading | boolean | Show an indication that data is being loaded |
Property | Type | Description |
itemsReorder | event | Event handler for the items reorder event |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
value | string | |
initial | string | |
fit | MediaFit | |
controls | boolean | Show video controls |
loop | boolean | Loop video |
muted | boolean | Mute video |
inherits Media
Property | Type | Description |
canCrop | boolean | Allow user to crop image |
source | MediaSource | The source of the media being browsed |
type | MediaType | The type of media being browsed |
root | string | Limit user selection to only assets in a specific MediaHub folder |
tags | string[] | Limit user selection to only assets with a spcific MediaHub tags |
meta | IMediaMetaDataRule[] | Limit user selection to only assets with a spcific MediaHub meta |
extensions | string[] | Limit user selection to only asseet with a specific file extension |
Property | Type | Description |
change | event |
Function | Returns | Description |
info(asset: string ) |
Promise | Retrieves information about a specific media asset |
files(folder: string ) |
Promise | Retrieves the files within a specified folder |
folders(folder: string ) |
Promise | Retrieves the folders within a specified folder |
open(options: IMediaHubOpenOptions ) |
Promise | Open MH modal |
search(query: string , options: IMediaHubSearchOptions ) |
Promise | Searches for media assets using the specified query and options |
Function | Returns | Description |
show(message: string , title: string , buttons: MessageBoxButtons | IMessageBoxAction[] , type: MessageBoxType ) |
Promise |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
type | error|warning|success|info | |
title | string | |
message | string | |
showIcon | boolean | |
closable | boolean |
inherits NumericalInputType
Property | Type | Description |
precision | number | The number of decimal places to display for the number input |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
min | T | The minimum value allowed for the numerical input |
max | T | The maximum value allowed for the numerical input |
step | T | The increment/decrement step for the numerical input |
inherits ItemsControl
Property | Type | Description |
direction | horizontal|vertical | The direction of the radio group layout (horizontal or vertical) |
radioStyle | radio|button | The style of the radio buttons (standard radio or button-like appearance) |
inherits NumericalInputType
Property | Type | Description |
vertical | boolean | Indicates whether the slider should be rendered vertically |
reverse | boolean | Indicates whether the slider is in reverse order |
showText | boolean | Indicates whether to show the label, true: Always, false: Never, null: On Drag |
Storage can be used to store data across different components of Erizos Studio.
Property | Type | Description |
length [read-only] | number | Returns the number of key/value pairs currently present in the list associated with the object. |
Function | Returns | Description |
clear() | void | Empties the list associated with the object of all key/value pairs, if there are any. |
getItem(key: string ) |
string | null | Returns the current value associated with the given key, or null if the given key does not exist in the list associated with the object. |
key(index: number ) |
string | null | Returns the name of the nth key in the list, or null if n is greater than or equal to the number of key/value pairs in the object. |
removeItem(key: string ) |
this | Removes the key/value pair with the given key from the list associated with the object, if a key/value pair with the given key exists. |
setItem(key: string , value: string ) |
this | Sets the value of the pair identified by key to value, creating a new key/value pair if none existed for key previously. |
on(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Listen to a specific key-value change in storage. |
once(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Adds a one-time listener function for the key value change. The next time key is triggered, this listener is invoked and then removed. |
off(key: string , listener: function ) |
this | Removes a value change callback, not specifing a callback will remove all callbacks to this key. |
Function | Returns | Description |
get() | Promise | @deprecated please use getInfo() |
getInfo() | Promise | Returns the data of the current Show context, Show, User, Profiles etc... |
setPageName(name: string ) |
Promise | Set the name of the current page |
setPageDescription(description: string ) |
Promise | Set the description of the current page |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
checkedText | string | The label text for checked value |
uncheckedText | string | The label text for unchecked value |
inherits Control
Function | Returns | Description |
setRow(row: number , values: Record<string, any> | any[] ) |
void | Sets multiple columns of a specific row |
setRow(row: number , values: string|number|boolean ) |
void | Sets a single column table row with a value |
getRow(row: number ) |
any | Gets all columns of a specific row |
getValue(row: number , column: number | string ) |
any | Retrieves the value at the specified row and column in the table |
setValue(row: number , column: number | string , value: any ) |
void | Sets the value at the specified row and column in the table |
swap(index1: number , index2: number ) |
boolean | Swaps the locations two rows |
clear() | void | Clears the items in the table |
addRow(index: number , values: any ) |
number | Adds an item to the table with an optional index and values |
removeRow(index: number , count: number ) |
boolean | Replace two rows location |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
headerTabsPosition | TabsPlacement | The position of tab |
Function | Returns | Description |
getTabDisabled(tab: number | string ) |
boolean | Returns if tab disabled state |
setTabDisabled(tab: number | string , disabled: boolean ) |
void | Sets tab disabled state |
add(tab: number | string , ...controls: Control[] ) |
void | Add a control(s) to a tab item |
inherits InputControl
Property | Type | Description |
maxCharacters | number | The maximum number of characters allowed in the text input |
hint | string | The hint or placeholder text for the text input |
multiline | boolean | Indicates whether the text input is multiline |
readOnly | boolean | Indicates whether the text input is readonly |
inherits NumericalInputType
Property | Type | Description |
get value() | IVertex | Current value |
get min() | IVertex | Minimum allowed value |
get max() | IVertex | Maximum allowed value |
get step() | IVertex | The increment/decrement step |
precision | number | The number of decimal places to display for the vertex input |
linked | boolean | Indicates whether the vertex input is linked to other vertices |
dimensions | number | Indicates whether the type of the vertex input is 2D/3D |
Function | Returns | Description |
set value(value: IVertex | number ) |
Current value | |
set min(value: IVertex | number ) |
Minimum value allowed | |
set max(value: IVertex | number ) |
Maximum allowed value | |
set step(value: IVertex | number ) |
The increment/decrement step |
inherits Control
Property | Type | Description |
url | string | The URL of the web page |
Function | Returns | Description |
postMessage(data: any ) |
void | Sends a message to the web page |
Property | Type | Description |
message | event | Event handler for the message event |
Global functions & properties
Function | Returns | Description |
globalStorage | Storage | Global storage for all user interfaces, on this machine |
localStorage | Storage | Unique storage for this specific user interface, on this machine |
sessionStorage | Storage | Session Storage - save data across multiple pages or templates for this instance. data is not persistent, will be lost on restart or new tab |
GlobalVariables | GlobalVariables | |
KeyboardShortcuts | KeyboardShortcuts | |
InputModal | InputModal | |
MediaHub | MediaHub | |
DataService | DataService | |
File | File | |
Alert | IAlertService | |
MessageBox | MessageBox | |
StudioContext | StudioContext | |
exports | IExportsObject | the Exports object |
Api | IContextApi |