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Templates UIs

Creating Templates UIs

There are two ways to create Templates UI: by Generating the Templates UI or Manually creating the Templates UI by adding templates, Generating UIs is a quick workflow when generating only one UI from a Template while manually creating the UI is useful when creating UI for Multiple Templates.

Generating Templates UIs

To generate a UI:

  1. Go to Templates UI and toggle the Browse/Hide Templates
  2. Select the Template you want to generate a UI
  3. Click Create UI button or Right+Click and select Create UI
  4. A confirmation popup will appear, click Yes to create UI and No to cancel, Erizos will automatically create a new UI with the selected templates assigned

Generate TemplatesUI

Manually creating the Templates UI

Manually creating UIs is beneficial when you want to use multiple Templates at the same time, the process is similar to Assigning Templates to UI

  1. Click Create New UI ( icon)
  2. Name your UI and click Create
  3. Select the UI to be used, then toggle the Show/Hide Templates button
  4. Select the Template in Templates Manager that you want to assign in the UI
  5. There are two ways to assign a template to a UI. Erizos Studio will assign the selected template to the selected UI.
    1. Right+Click the Template you want to assign and select Assign to selected.
    2. Drag and Drop the Template to the Middle Window.

Manual TemplatesUI


You can select multiple templates by Ctrl + Click and selecting templates at the Templates Manager

Assigning Templates to UI

Assigning templates is used when you have existing UIs and you want to add data from other templates

  1. Select the UI to be used, then toggle the Show/Hide Templates button
  2. Select the Templates in Templates Manager that you want to assign in the UI
  3. There are two ways to assign a template to a UI, as describe below. Erizos Studio will assign the selected template to the selected UI.
    1. Right+Click the Template you want to assign and select Assign to selected.
    2. Drag and Drop the Template to the Middle Window.

Manual Assign TemplatesUI


You can select multiple templates by Ctrl + Click and selecting templates at the Templates browser

Show/Hide Empty UIs

Erizos Studio can quickly hide/unhide empty UIs. in the example below, we have two empty UIs named Empty UI and PlayerInfo,

  1. When Show Empty UIs is checked, it will show all UIs, including UIs with no Templates

    Show Empty UI On

  2. When Show Empty UIs is unchecked, it will only show all UIs that are NOT EMPTY

    Show Empty UI Off

Adding and accessing Modules

To add and access Modules, Please visit Modules documentation.