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Linking UI Elements to Graphics(Control Fields)

Before users can link Control Fields to a UI Element, the Template in which the Control field is exposed should first be assigned to the Template UI that will use the graphic. Control Objects window and Field ID dropdown will only be populated once a Template is assigned to it. Control Objects is only available in Template UI, it is not available in Show UIs.

There are two ways to link UI Elements to it's corresponding Control Fields in the rendering engine(Control objects in Vizrt, and Erizos Controls in Unreal Engine)

Drag and Dropping Control Objects

When you import and assign a Template to a Template UI, UI builder automatically generates a UI Element(called Control Objects) for all exposed Control Components. Users can easily drag and drop these UI Elements by going to the Control Objects window.

  1. Go to Control Objects window
  2. Select and drag the Control Object to the UI Builder Interface


Manually assigning the Field ID

Users can also create the UI first and assign the Control Fields later on to its corresponding UI Element. To assign a Control Field to a UI Element.

  1. Create the UI
  2. Go to the UI Properties -> Common -> Field ID
  3. Select and Assign a Control Field to the Field ID



Users can also display the Control Field id by clicking the icon

Unlinked/Missing Control Field

When a UI Element lost it's connection with a corresponding Control Field, a indicator will be displayed right beside it to let users know that there is a missing connection. the common cause of this is when a user unlinked the Template that uses this Template UI.


Reimport Control Objects

To Reimport and Update your Control Objects, click the Reimport button
