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Actions And Options in Viz Artist


In VizArtist, you have the ability to define action buttons for visualization (viz) scenes. These action buttons allow you to perform specific tasks or trigger events within the scene. However, it's important to note that currently, this feature does not support TL scenes. We plan to address this limitation in the next version of our software.

To define action buttons, use the following format:

Label|ACTIONS|Action 1|Action 2|Action 3


MyActions|ACTIONS|Something|Something Else|Another Thing

This format will set the text input for the action buttons. Within the scene, you will need to monitor text changes and execute your logic accordingly. Remember to reset the text input back to an empty string after each action is triggered. This ensures that if the same action is triggered again, you will receive a notification.


In addition to action buttons, you can also define options that can be used in various UI components such as dropdowns, radio buttons, and lists.

To define options, use the following format:




UIBuilder Components

You can utilize these options in different UI components within the UIBuilder, such as Dropdowns, Radio Buttons, and Lists:

1|First Item
2|2nd Item
3|3rd Item
The Radio Buttons: UI Builder

Options: UI Builder

The dropdown list: UI Builder

These components can be populated with the defined options to enhance the interactivity and functionality of your user interface.