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Admin Settings


CreativeHub dashboard provide performance and statistical information about CreativeHub storage and the machine it is running on.

Here you can see information about the machine you are using.
First the hard disks are shown, each with its storage usage.
Second is the machine CPU information and its usage (workload and memory usage).

In the Storage section of the dashboard,you will find the size of storage currently being use on CreativeHub
The dashboard emphasizes the space that Projects are taking from the overhaul storage, you can see the percentage ratio of the files taken up in every Disk drive the user is using

Storage panel



  1. Log Level:: Select the Log Level for CreativeHub
  2. Day to keep Log files: Sets how many days CreativeHub will keep Log files. Files that are not used for the set number of days will be clean in the daily cleanup


  1. Folder: You can select where CreativeHub will manage the Backup folder by filling a path to a folder in your file system.
  2. Options: Set what to Backup (Settings, Database, etc.)
  3. Schedule: Once a day CreativeHub is cleaning old files from the cache folder; you can set the time in which the cache is being emptied.
    by default the clean up is scheduled to 4AM.
    to define what files are considered old file see “Day to keep” (number 4) below.
  4. Day to keep backup files: Sets how many days CreativeHub will keep Backup files. Files that are not used for the set number of days will be clean in the daily cleanup


The backup schedule is using a Corn string format. For more information: corn string

Trash Management

  1. Auto Empty Trash: Whether to Automatically empty trash every specified number of days.
  2. Empty Trash after xx Days: If Auto Empty Trash is Enabled, Use the Slider to set the number of days CreativeHub should keep the files in Trash. Up to 100 days, default is 30 days.


Backup allows users to access the history of previous backups from the CreativeHub database. Located in the top-right corner are the backup options:

Icons and meaning

Name Icon Description
Create snapshot Create a new updated backup of the database
Upload Choose a backup file from the machine to upload to CreativeHub.
Download Available only when a backup is selected
Save the selected backup to the machine.
Restore Available only when a backup is selected
Load the selected backup to the database.
Delete Available only when a backup is selected
Delete the selected backup from memory.


The Users tab allow you to add, delete and edit users in CreativeHub.

To get to the user tab click the Avatar at the upper right corner and Click Admin, then select the Users tab.

For more information about working with users see Users Configuration


CreativeHub stores all detailed logs. CreativeHub works the same as other logs in Erizos Studio. Like most other components in the Erizos studio environment, CreativeHub keeps detailed logs under which you can see:

  1. Every action CreativeHub has performed is logged.
  2. By clicking on each of the log entries you can get JSON formatted information about that entry
  3. If additional commands were executed in that entry, you will be able to see the order of events.

agent logs

Searching the logs.

All Erizos logs allow a high precision searching by using the following filter:

  1. Date & time: you can filter the logs by date (one day at a time), and within specific hours during that day.
  2. Level: you can filter logs to show only entries of specific level.
    You can add multiple level into the filter and get all the logs that match those levels.
  3. Category: you can filter the logs by category, the categories are processes or part of the system. Each entry category indicates the process or piece in which the action logged occurred.
    You can add multiple categories into the filter and get all the logs entries that matches those categories.
  4. Filter: each log has a message attached to it that describe a little better what was the action that was logged.
    under Filter you can insert search terms and get all the logs that their message contains the search term as a word or part of it.


    for more information: working with Erizos Logs


Under Admin → Installers you can find the following installers download links:

  1. Agent

You can use remote access from any machine in the network to access this page and get the installers you need.


Restart the Server. This will not empty CreativeHub storage