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"controls": [
    "id": "SomeTextId",
    "title": "Text3DControlText",
    "type": "Text",
    "path": "/Game/test/UEDPIE_0_NewMap.NewMap:PersistentLevel.Text3DActor_1.ControlText",
    "controller": "Text",
        "text": "Text"
    "actor": "Text3DActor",
        "upperCase": false,
        "maxCharacters": -1,
        "singleLine": true,
        "kerning": false,
        "lineSpacing": false,
        "alignment": false
Parameter Type Description
id String The ID of the Control
title String The title/name of the Control
type String The Type of the Control
path String Path/location of the Control
controller String The Controller of the Control
actor String The Actor of the Control
value String The Values of the Control
meta String The Meta of the Control


        "upperCase": false,
        "maxCharacters": -1,
        "singleLine": true,
        "kerning": false,
        "lineSpacing": false,
        "alignment": false
Parameter Type Description
upperCase Boolean If field is in Upper Case or Lower case
maxCharacters Number The allowable maximum characters
singleLine Boolean If Single Line is enabled/disabled
kerning Boolean If Kerning is enabled/disabled
lineSpacing Boolean If Line Spacing is enabled
alignment Boolean If Alignment is enabled/disabled


"fields": [
      "id": "05",
      "title": "Wall_Image",
      "type": "Image",
      "path": "/Game/UEDPIE_0_Set4.Set4:PersistentLevel.bg_image_player_2.ControlTexture",
      "controller": "Texture",
      "value": null,
      "actor": "bg_image_player",
      "id": "06",
      "title": "Team_Logo",
      "type": "Image",
      "path": "/Game/UEDPIE_0_Set4.Set4:PersistentLevel.Team_Logo.ControlTexture",
      "controller": "Texture",
      "value": null,
      "actor": "Team_Logo",
      "id": "07",
      "title": "Player",
      "type": "Image",
      "path": "/Game/UEDPIE_0_Set4.Set4:PersistentLevel.Player.ControlTexture",
      "controller": "Texture",
      "value": null,
      "actor": "Player",
Parameter Type Description
id String The ID of the Control
title String The title/name of the Control
type String The Type of the Control
path String Path/location of the Control
controller String The Type of the Control
value String The Values of the Control
actor String The Actor of the Control
meta String The Meta of the Control


                    "TXT_Title": "",
                    "TXT_Content": "",
                    "IMG_Thumb": ""
Parameter Type Description
text String The name of the property/properties to be controlled