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Control Components

Control Action

The Control Action component exposes a predefined number of actions you can control through Erizos Studio to execute actions. E.g: Sequences, Blueprint functions, etc.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Actions Level Sequence Predefined list of Actions to be executed through Erizos Studio
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio
Event Description
OnActionTriggered Executes when the Action is being triggered from Erizos Studio.
OnLayerIn Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is In.
OnLayerChanged Executes when new data is sent from Erizos Studio while the state of the Layer is In.
OnLayerOut Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is Out.
OnLayerJumpIn Executes when the animation jumps into a specific frame, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when previewing layers.
OnLayerJumpOut Executes when the animation jumps from a preview layer into another layer, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when jumping from one preview layer to another layer.

Control Actor

Control (Control Actor) is an attachable component to any actor that lets Erizos Studio modify the visibility and transformation values in real-time.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Control Visibility Boolean Exposes the visibility control of the Actor so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position X Boolean Exposes the X-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position Y Boolean Exposes the Y-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Position Z Boolean Exposes the Z-axis Position property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Position Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Position of the controlled actor
Position Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Position of the controlled actor
Control Rotation Roll Boolean Exposes the Roll rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Rotation Pitch Boolean Exposes the Pitch rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Rotation Yaw Boolean Exposes the Yaw rotation property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Rotation Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Rotation of the controlled actor
Rotation Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Rotation of the controlled actor
Control Scale X Boolean Exposes the X-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Scale Y Boolean Exposes the Y-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Control Scale Z Boolean Exposes the Z-axis scale property so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Scale Minimum Vector Sets the Minimum acceptable Scale of the controlled actor
Scale Maximum Vector Sets the Maximum acceptable Scale of the controlled actor
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio
Event Description
On Visibility Changed Executes when the Visibility of the Actor Changes
On Position Changed Executes when the Position of the Actor Changes
On Rotation Changed Executes when the Rotation of the Actor Changes
On Scale Changed Executes when the Scale of the Actor Changes
OnLayerIn Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is In.
OnLayerChanged Executes when new data is sent from Erizos Studio while the state of the Layer is In.
OnLayerOut Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is Out.
OnLayerJumpIn Executes when the animation jumps into a specific frame, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when previewing layers.
OnLayerJumpOut Executes when the animation jumps from a preview layer into another layer, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when jumping from one preview layer to another layer.

Control Blueprint

The Control Blueprint component allows Erizos Studio to control Unreal Blueprint Actors, more specifically, it exposes public variables and parameterless functions to Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Control Only Variable Categories Array List of Variable categories which can only be allowed to be exposed by the Blueprint.
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio
Event Description
OnDataChanged Executes when the Plugins receive Data changes from Erizos
OnVariableIn Executes when a new variable is passed and the state is "In"
OnVariableChanged Executes when the variable is changed and the state is "In"
OnVariableOut Executes when a new variable is passed and the state is "Out"
OnVariableUpdated Executes when a variable is changed when the OnLayerChanged event was triggered.
OnLayerIn Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is In.
OnLayerChanged Executes when new data are sent from Erizos Studio and the state of the Layer is In.
OnLayerOut Executes when the state of the layer sent from Erizos Studio is Out.
OnLayerJumpIn Executes when the animation jumps into a specific frame, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when previewing layers.
OnLayerJumpOut Executes when the animation jumps from a preview layer into another layer, mainly used for previewing. Use this event to create custom logic when jumping from one preview layer to another layer.

Control Only Variable Categories (ControlBlueprint)

Control Blueprint component has the option to Control variables that are only listed in a Category. Only variables that belong to the listed categories are allowed to be accessed when this option is set. If this is not set, it will show all exposed variables

  1. To attach a variable to a category, you can set it in the Details panel of your Actor.

  2. Add the name of the Categories you want to include in the ControlBlueprint.


Exposing Parameter-less functions

Control Blueprint also supports parameter-less Blueprint functions, because functions can't be marked public/private in UE you need to prefix them with an asterisk * so Erizos Studio can expose the Functions.



The ControlCameraView component allows users to have multiple pre-configured cameras that can be switched to in real-time using Erizos Studio. It can be attached to any actor. E.g: Objects that need to be seen from different perspectives.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Preview Only Boolean Allow changing of the camera in Preview only
Cameras Camera A preconfigured set of cameras that can be exposed and switched to using Erizos Studio.
Default Camera String Sets the default Camera to be used
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio


The ControlClock component allows users to create clock-related functionalities such as timers and stopwatches. It must be attached to a Text 3D actor to allow the value to be controlled using Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Start Time (Seconds) Number Specify the Start time of the clock (in Seconds)
End Time Boolean Specify the End time of the clock (in Seconds)
Direction Up/Down Turned off by default
Format String Sets the direction of the clock in which it will increment/decrement.
Custom Format String Selects the format of the clock to be displayed from a preconfigured set
Start on Set Boolean Create a custom format of the clock to be displayed
Control End Time Boolean Start the clock every time it is on the “Set” mode.
Control Direction Boolean Exposes the Control End time field on Erizos Studio
LayerID Control Layer Exposes the Control Direction on Erizos Studio


The Control Color component can be applied to any actor that has a material with a vector parameter. The component allows the user to change the RGB values from Erizos Studio via a Color picker UI component. users also have the option to provide default presets.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
ColorName String The name of the Color parameter that will be controlled
Presets Color Adds a preconfigured set of Colors that can be controlled from Erizos Studio
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio


The ControlCondition component allows Erizos Studio to modify values of other Control components by executing conditions specified. It needs to have a Source Component, a Condition, and a Target Component to be controlled.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Conditions Array of Conditions Sets the Condition of the component by specifying its Source Component, Condition, and Target Component
Execute Only when Changed Boolean Executes the condition only when the value is changed
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio

Setting up Conditions

To set up ControlConditions, these parameters are to be set.

  1. Source Component - the Control ID that will be evaluated with the Condition, if the value of the Source Component is equal to the Condition, it will execute an Action. the ControlID of the ControlCondition should be precisely the same as the Source Component.
  2. Condition - Conditions contain Action which controlled the Target Component. Condition acts as the logic to be met for the Action of the Target Component to be evaluated. It acts like a Switch statement in which it is evaluated based on the value of the Source component. The Condition can execute multiple Actions at the same time
  3. Target Component - the Control ID of the Control Component to be controlled. The target contains a Value that will be passed on to the controlled component. .

In the example below, we have 4 components:

  1. ControlText component (Source Component)
  2. ControlColor component of a Text (Target Component)
  3. ControlColor component of a Cube (Target Component)
  4. ControlCondition component that controls all the components above(the Control Component itself)


Control Material Scalar

The Control Material Scalar allows the user to control any material parameter. Unlike Control Texture which only controls a ParameterTexture2D and is displayed as an image picker in Studio and Control Color which controls a vector parameter and is displayed as a Color picker in Studio, the Control Material Scalar can be used to control all other material properties. e.g. expose a float parameter to control opacity property

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Scalar Name String The Scalar parameter reference to be controlled
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio

Control Media

The ControlMedia allows users to send videos to the built-in Media Player of Unreal Engine. It also supports Bink Video files. The component can be attached to any Actors that has textures.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Media Type Media Player Select the media type to be played by the media player. It can support both
Media Player Media Player Sets the Media Player to be used by the Component.
Presets Media Player List of Presets that can be exposed to Erizos Studio
Bink Media Player Bink Media Player Sets the Bink Media player to be used by the Component.
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio


The Control Number component can be attached to a Text 3D actor to allow the number value to be exposed to and controlled by Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Minimum Number Sets the minimum range of value allowed in the number input
Maximum Number Sets the maximum range of value allowed in the number input
Thousand Separator Dropdown/Selectbox Sets the thousand separator formatting of the number to be displayed
Plus Prefix String Sets the Prefix if a number is Positive
Minus Prefix String Sets the Prefix if a number is Negative
Suffix String Sets the Suffix of the number input
Decimal Separator Dropdown/Selectbox Sets the decimal separator formatting of the number to be displayed
Decimal Places Number Sets the number of decimal places to be displayed
Layer ID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio


The Control RC Preset component can be attached to any actor in the UE world space. It can be used to expose and control RC Presets in Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Layer ID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio
Preset Remote Control Preset The RC Preset to be controlled in Erizos Studio


The Control Text component can be attached to a Text 3D actor to allow the text value to be exposed to, and controlled by Erizos Studio.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
Max Characters Number Set the maximum characters allowed
Upper Case Boolean If turned on, the text will be rendered in uppercase.
Single Line Boolean If turned on, the text will be Single line or Multiline (default is set to Single line)
Expose Kerning Boolean Exposes the setting for Spacing of the text so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Expose Line Spacing Boolean Exposes the setting for Line Spacing of the text so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
Expose Alignment Boolean Exposes the setting for Alignment of the text so it can be controlled from Erizos Studio
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio


The Control Texture component can be added to any actor that has a Material with a ParameterTexture2D property. This component allows Studio to control the texture of the material.

Property Type Description
ControlID String The ID of the control component
Title String The name of the control that appears in Erizos Studio
TextureName String The name of the Texture parameter that will be controlled
Presets Textures Adds a preconfigured set of Textures that can be used in Erizos Studio, this is useful when the textures are known ahead of time.
LayerID Control Layer Sets the Layer on which the component will be assigned. Helpful in organizing control components in Erizos Studio