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Unreal Engine Plugin Functions

Animate All Layers To

Animate All Layers To function triggers the simultaneous execution of all detected Control Layers within the Unreal Engine's world space.


Input Type Description
State Enum The State of the Layers to be executed (Take IN or Take OUT)
Force Boolean Force the Layers to Animate
Output Type Description
None None None

Animate Layer To

Animate Layer To function triggers the execution of the Control Layer specified.


Input Type Description
Layer Name The Name of the Layer to be executed (Take IN or Take OUT)
State Enum The State of the Layer to be executed (Take IN or Take OUT)
Force Boolean Force the Layer to Animate
Output Type Description
None None None

Jump Layer To

Jump Layer To function enables user to jump to a specified Control Layer


Input Type Description
Layer Name The Name of the Layer to be Jumped to
State Enum The State of the Layers to be Jumped to
Force Boolean Force the Layers to Animate
Output Type Description
None None None

Find Control Layer

Find Control Layer function searches the Unreal Engine World Space to locate a particular Control Layer based on the name provided.


Input Type Description
Layer Name The Name of the Layer to find
Output Type Description
Return Value Control Layer Object The Control Layer Object reference returned if found

Find Control Layers

Find Control Layers function returns all Control Layer references found in the Unreal Engine World Space based on the name provided.


Input Type Description
Layer Name The Name of the Layer to find
Output Type Description
Return Value Control Layer Object(Array) The Array of Control Layer Object references found

Load MediaHub Texture

Load MediaHub Texture functions allows users to load a texture from MediaHub using the MediaHub URL provided.


The Agent must be installed on the same machine as the engine, and the Agent needs to be connected to the Erizos Studio by either listing it in the Outputs of the Profile or Remote preview.


Input Type Description
MediaHub Asset Path String The Asset path of the Texture to be loaded(mediahub:///path/to/asset)
VerifyLatest Boolean Makes sure to verify the latest version of the Asset
Output Type Description
None None None

Load Texture

Load Texture functions allows users to load a texture from a path using the asset path.


Input Type Description
Image Path String The Asset path of the Texture to be loaded(C:\Path\to\image)
Output Type Description
Return Value Texture2D The Texture2D reference of the Loaded Asset

Load Texture Async

Load Texture Async functions allows users to Asynchronously load a texture from a path using the asset path.


Input Type Description
Image Path String The Asset path of the Texture to be loaded(C:\Path\to\image)
Output Type Description
None None None

Stringify JSON

Stringify JSON converts a Struct object into a String


Input Type Description
Struct Struct The JSON Struct to be converted into String
Output Type Description
Return Value String The String Value processed from JSON

Update Layer

Update Layer updates the specified Control Layer


Input Type Description
Layer Name The Name of the Layer to be updated
Output Type Description
None None None