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Control Motion Design

"Control Motion Design" allows you to expose assets created using the Unreal Motion Design system to be imported and controlled via Erizos Studio.
The Control Motion Design actor can be placed in your level to allow you to control your graphic elements created in the Motion Design system.

Getting Started

  1. Place the “Control Motion Design” Actor in you level by searching for the “Control Motion Design” actor in the actors menu.

  2. Once the Actor is placed in your level, you can select it by clicking on it in the world outliner, this allows you to see and change the properties in the details panel. Control Motion Design Actor


The Control Motion Design actor is available by enabling the “Erizos Tools for Motion Design” plugin in the Plugins window of Unreal Engine. Erizos Motion Design Plugins

The control motion design actor loads the Motion Design assets for you, there are two ways that the actor can find the Motion Design Assets:

  • Folder: you can set the folder path to your assets and the actor will expose all the Motion design elements inside that folder
  • Specific level: you can set the motion design levels that you want to have available in Erizos Studio

Actor Properties

Playback Channel - The channel that the graphics will be played out to, you can manage the channels by clicking the “Broadcast” button in the bottom of the editor window. Enter the name of the channel you want to use

Broadcast Channel

Folders - Set the path to the folder(s) in your project that contain the Motion Design levels you want to expose to Erizos Studio.

Recursive Folders - If checked, levels in sub-fodlers will also be exposed

Levels - Set any number of levels to be exposed to Erizos Studio, unlike folder, only the selected levels will be exposed.