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Settings: Admin settings

Under Setting → admin there are the more general settings.


Under general you can change the presented name of the Erizos Studio Server, and to enter the address for Studio client to look up the server.


both fields can be left blank to use the default settings.


Users can chose to set the maximum allowable PageID digits that the playlist can use. by default, the Max PageID digits is set to 4.


Under logs you can set what is the lowest level of log event that is recorded. By default it is set to Verbose.
You can also set for how many days the log files will be kept. Default is 30.


Here you can set the target folder for Erizos studio to save the backup. Decide what the backup includes (setting, database or both).
Schedule when the backup will occur and decide for how many days you want to keep the backup files.


The backup schedule is using a Corn string format. For more information: corn string